Tuesday, December 27, 2016

For lasting world peace (4)

 On November 9 and 10, the ISPS Handa World Blind Golf Championship was held at the same course. It was held for the first time in 10 years since the last tournament. 55 visually impaired players from 16 countries belonging to the IBGA participated in the tournament. 
 The top scorer for handicap-adjusted male was Toshio Karasawa, guided by Yoshiaki Sakai. Linda Port, American, guided by Fred Port, carded the top handicap-adjusted score. She also turned in the top raw score for women. 
 The top raw B1 scorer was Israeli Zohar Sharon, guided by Shimshon Levi, while B2 honors went to American Jeremy Poincenot, guided by Lionel Poincenot. The top B3 score was carded by British Paul Appleyard, guided by Neil Oxborough. 

Participants of the ISPS Handa World Blind Golf Championship
at Shinrinkoen Golf Club in Yorii,
Saitama Prefecture


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, November 18, 2016)

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