Saturday, September 29, 2018

The opera “Yuzuru”(1)

 The Tokyo Art Foundation (TAF), in support of the International Foundation for Arts and Culture (IFAC), hosted the opera “Yuzuru” (“Twilight Crane”) in Tokyo on Aug.1. About 1,700 ausience enjoyed the performance.

 Before the opera, TAF Chairman as well as music critic Dr.Haruhisa Handa, dressed in a formal men’s kimono that consists of a haori (half length jacket) and hakama (split skirt), talked about how to enjoy opera to the sudience.

Tokyo Art Foundation Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa (center)
and the "Yuzuru" opera cast greet the audience in Tokyo on Aug.1


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 10, 2018

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