Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dr.Handa's Celebrated Return from the British Museum Solo Exhibition! (1)

 Dr.Haruhisa Handa's solo painting and calligraphy exhibition "Captivating Calligraphy” was held at the British Museum from Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, 2014.

 The Museum decided to hold the exhibition after taking up some proposals from one of its curators who gave high praise for Dr.Fukami’s art work.

 On the first day of the exhibition, Dr.Fukami gave a live demonstration of large-scale calligraphy and link wash paintings while providing commentary.

 He captivated visitors with taiko drumming, Noh and flute performances which led to providing them with a good understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture.

Dr.Handa creating larg-scale calligraphy

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