Then, Foster called on Dr.Handa. He sang "Fly me to the Moon," "Summer Time," "I Left my Heart in San Francisco" and "Danny Boy."
Dr.Handa introduced Kenny "Babyface" Emmonds to the audience. He sang "When Can I See You Again," "I'll Make Love to You," "End of the Road," "Every Time I Close my Eyes" and "Change the World" by Eric Clapton.
Next, Foster played John Lennon's "Imagine" with Melanie C, Babyface, Cetera Jenkins and Dr.Handa taking turns singing the lyrics. The six singers shook hands, and Foster suggested they should celebrate Dr.Handa's birthday. He said, "It's your birthday!" He and others sang "Happy Birthday" before Dr.Handa cut his cake with a sword.
The concert was wrapped up by Dr.Handa's singing "O sole mio."
Katherine Jenkins, Kenny "Babyface" Emonds, David Foster, Dr.Haruhisa Handa,Peter Cetera and Melanie C (from left) are taking a bow after the concert. TAF
(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)