Tuesday, April 19, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (2)

 The forum was organized  by Dr.Haruhisa Handa, founder and chairman of Worldwide Support for development(WSD), a Japanese nonprofit organization.

 First, Dr.Peter Piot, Director of Global Hearth at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine told the audience in a prerecorded video message, "The world isn't prepared for a major outbreak of infectious diseases..."

 Then, Masahiko Komura, a former foreign affairs minister, referred to the recent epidemic of the Zika virus in Brazil and said, "The international society is now called on to unite to tackle infectious diseases..."

 As of March 11, Japan has confirmed two patients in the country with Zika symptons, according to the Ministry of Hearth, Labor and Welfare. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)


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