Monday, April 25, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (5)

  The world has been facing the global hearth risks, including not only contagious diseases, but also chronic diseases found in aged societies.  Except Japan, Asian countries will more rapidly become aged societies in the near future. The existing health care systems in many Asian countries are not enough to cover all future patients. 

  Keizo Takemi, chairman of the Special Mission Committee on Global Health Strategy of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said, "The current health care systems (of those Asian countries) have limitations and it is indispensable to construct stronger systems." He added that since Japan introduced a nationwide care system in 1961 to cover all Japanese citizens, the country is able to share its know-how in establishing and operating such a system with other Asian countries.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)

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