Friday, November 18, 2022

The 18th Tokyo Dai Takigi Noh(1)

  On the evening of October 16, the 18th Tokyo Dai Takigi Noh was held at the Citizen’s Plaza located in front of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. The event was started in 1998 by the International Foundation for Arts and Culture (IFAC) as a rare opportunity for people to enjoy the art performed by noh professionals free of charge. Except for 2011, the year of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and between 2015 and 2017 while the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building underwent repairs, the event had been held every year until 2018. This is the first time for the performance since the beginning of infection of the COVID-19 pandemic.

 IFAC promotes arts, culture and education through supporting and funding various projects internationally. It was founded by Dr.Haruhisa Handa, also known as Toshu Fukami, who is a philanthropist, business leader, calligrapher, painter and operatic baritone, as well as noh actor of the Hosho School and member of Nogaku Performers’ Association. Dr.Handa studied noh at Doshisha University’s Hosho Noh society under the tutelage of Nihei Kashiwabara and Takashi Tatsumi. This time, the event was supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Cultural Affairs agency.  

 He was supposed to perform the leading role of “Sagi” (“The Heron”), one of the three performances at this year’s event. However, the program was replaced by a different piece because of his recent knee injury.


                              Manjiro Tatsumi plays Ryujin during "Kasuga Ryujin"

                                                                @TTJ TACHIBANA PUBLISHING 

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