Sunday, November 6, 2022

The opera "Shotoku Taishi" (2)


The opera incorporated not only ballet but also noh performances to make entire work deeper and more elegant. The performances were directed and choreographed by Tokyo City Ballet Director Nobuyoshi Nakajima and Manjiro Tatsumi, a noh performer of Hosho school. The music was composed by three people including Tomiko Kojiba, and it was beautifully played by the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra.  


Dr.Handa said, “We wanted to take a fresh look at Prince Shotoku without deifying him and as a realistic human being who held onto his ideals despite various sufferings and setbacks.” This perspective was even more remarkable for this year’s performance. Major revisions was made to the original script to make it more historically accurate yet dynamic, with more focus on the prince’s Buddhist side. For this reason, Hata no Kawakatsu, who is believed to have been a close secretary to the prince, was inserted into the new script. The music was renewed well with the addition of arias and duets.

  Tojiko no Iratsume, played by Hiroko Onuki (right), and Prince Shotoku, played by Toshu Fukami

                         @TTJ TACHIBANA PUBLISHING

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