Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The 18th Tokyo Dai Takigi Noh (3)


On a stage illuminated by torches, the musician and jiuai (chorus) sat down quietly, and a high shrieking sound from a bamboo flute marked the beginning of the story.

 The first performance was “Kasuga Ryujin”(“The Kasuga Dragon God”). It is a story about a monk who plans to travel abroad and the dragon god who tries to stop him. Myoe Shonin, a Buddhist monk, who decided to travel to scared Buddhist sites in China and India, appears on the stage. He has come to visit Kasuga Shrine in Nara to announce his itinerary.

But an old Shinto priest, performed by Tatsumi, tries to convince him to continue his Buddhist practice in Japan. Tatsumi had explained prior to the performance that traveling abroad meant risking one’s own life because about one-third of vessels sank during voyages in the Kamakura Period (1185 to 1333), when the story set.

The monk finally agrees and gives up his trip and the delighted old priest promises to show him the life story of Buddha and disappears. Then, the dragon god, also performed by Tasumi, appears again and presents Buddhas life story before the eyes of the monk, and vanishes into a pond.

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