Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The 18th Tokyo Dai Takigi Noh (4)

 The second part of the program was “Shibiri”(“The Inherited Cramp”), a traditional kyogen piece. Just as Tatsumi explained that kyogen is a form of traditional comic theater that often depicts funny and somehow lovable adults, the characters in this short comedy were both witty.

 The master of a house orders Taro Kaja, performed by Noritoshi Yamamoto, a kyogen-kata(lead comic actor) of the Okura School and a designated Important Intangible Cultural Property, to run an errand to prepare for a sudden visitor. But Kaja refuses to go, saying that he is suffering an attack of his chronic paralysis. The master says:”What a pity. My uncle has invited us to dinner, but you won’t be able to make it.” Kaja replies that he will try to talk sense into his paralysis. The comical dialogue and movements drew laughter from the audience.

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