Thursday, October 13, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (2)

 The three-venue conference started with Fearnley-Whittingstall's message from London venue named 'The View from the Shard.' Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State for the Environment of the UK joined together with him. Fearnley-Whittingstall said, "I'm delighted to have been invited by Tusk to kick off proceedings at this time-critical event, aptly titled 'Time for Change.'" He revealed that the illegal wildlife trade is a $20 million industry, which is exceeded only by the illegal trades in drugs, weapons and people, and that the illegal gains brought by such transactions stimulates violence, corruption and a dangerous international network of criminals. He made a video presentation to explain about ivory and rhino horn poaching and criticize China's ivory usage. Generally, ivory is used in chopsticks, billiard balls, piano keys, and China is one of the largest users in the world. In Asia, it is widely believed that rhino horn has medicinal properties, which exacerbates situations surrounding ivory poaching.   

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)

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