Tuesday, October 18, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (5)

 Prince William expressed appreciation to Tusk, the ISPS Handa Foundation and Tusk's other sponsors for the promotion of Time for Change.
 He said, "Today's event, (prior to) the CITES conference in Johannesburg, is timely and its global nature reflects the global scale of this challenge." He added that the number of elephants roaming Africa had sharply decreased for more than 30 years and had crashed to just 350,000. He also mentioned that Sept.22 is World Rhino Day and people is now struggling to correct the lies about the supposed benefits of using its horn as a traditional medicine.  Then he said, "We cannot undo the mistakes of the past. But we can and must take moral responsibility for the decisions we make today."

 (source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)

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