Sunday, October 16, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (3)

 Then, John Scanlon delivered his speech from Johannesburg venue. He stressed the significance of the forthcoming CITES conference, called COP17. He said, "The world will turn its attention to what happens right here in South Africa over the course of the next two weeks as representatives of over 180 governments, with the active involvement of observers from across every region, debate and take decisions on critical issues affecting the future of some of the planet's most precious species of wild animals and plants." 
 In cop 17, necessary changes to the trade controls of close to 500 species of flora and fauna, including elephants, lions, pangolin, rhinos, rosewood, silky and thresher sharks and devil rays will be discussed.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)

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