Sunday, July 14, 2019

The G20 Interfaith Forum Japan 2019 (11) Breakdown of Policy Proposals

The G20 Interfaith Forum Japan 2019 finally made proposals as follows:

Commit to working for peace in collaboration with faith actors, with a new framing of religious roles in conflict and polarization.

Focus sharply and explicitly on the needs of children and commit resources vital to address those needs.

Put resources behind promises to protect the planet, focusing in particular on rainforests in partnership with religious, ingenuous and local actors.

Bolster action to strengthen rule of law and protection of human rights, with particular emphasis on freedom of religion or belief and action to fight against corruption.

Initiate and commit to global and national measures to combat trafficking and modern slavery as part of long-term G20 priority. 

Speakers and other special guests


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July9, 2019

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