Sunday, July 14, 2019

The G20 Interfaith Forum Japan 2019 (7) Panel discussion in the second day’s first session, “Ideas to Action”.

  The following panel discussion, moderated by U.N. Population Fund Senior Advisor Azza Karam, was joined by Ishmael Noko, former general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation; Audrey Kitagawa, chair, Parliament of the World’s Religions; U.S. Agency for International Development General Counsel David Moore; and Joshtrom Issac Kureethadam, director of the Ecology Department, Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. 

  Noko, after expressing gratitude for the success of the forum, said she sensed the “birth of a new community” from it. Kitagawa emphasized that the dialogue platform is “extremely important” and said she benefited from “heart-to-heart connections.” 

  Moore stressed the significance of religion’s role while Kureethadam reminded the audience to think of the poorest and weakest first. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July9, 2019

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