Sunday, July 14, 2019

The G20 Interfaith Forum Japan 2019 (8) Second day’s second session, “Towards 2020”.

The next session’s theme was “Towards 2020”. IT began with a speech by former Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny.

  Kenny said, “Over the last two days, we’ve had so many discussions, (and shared) experiences and (much) wisdom…Do we care? Yes we do,” referring to various harsh realities, such as refugees and poverty.

  He then focused on Ireland as a small, immigrant country. He said, “We have five or six different nationalities in classrooms” at school, adding that immigrants are the source of Ireland’s prosperity. He also mentioned that churches and the state work well together in Ireland. However, acknowledging that political leaders have been helping solve global problems, he admitted that the problems are not easy to completely solve. He said, “We should not be afraid. I hope we can go from strength to strength.”

  The following panel discussion was joined by Juan Navarro Floria, professor of law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica; KAICIID Deputy Secretary General Alvaro Albacete; the Maharashtra Academy of Engineering Education and Research, Maharashtra Institute of Technology and World Peace University Executive President Rahul Karad; and Kim Tran, a core member of Fridays for Future Japan. They also discussed lots of global issues and measures to improve different situations. 

Former Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July9, 2019

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