Monday, August 15, 2022

High school artfest celebrates young artists (1)


  On August 3, the 23rd International High school Festival awards ceremony was held at the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Tokyo. The festival is open to high school students around the world aged 15 to 18. According to Dr.Haruhisa Handa, festival organizer and chairman of International Foundation for Arts and Culture, it has made considerable stride toward “becoming one of Japan’s most prestigious art exhibitions.”

  Festival judges, who themselves are professional artists from various genres, reviewed 11,358 submitted works divided into two categories of art and calligraphy, from not only Japan but 13 other countries including Ireland, Egypt, Brunei, Spain, the Philippines and Serbia. At the beginning of the ceremony, Shizuka Kamei, a former member of the House of Representatives, and Koji Kikutani, professor emeritus of Tokyo University of the Arts, gave opening speeches.

International Foundation for Arts and Culture Chairman Haruhisa Handa poses 
with two of the award winners at the ceremony on Aug. 3.  @ IFAC

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