Thursday, August 25, 2022

The 6th Global Opinion Leaders Summit (5)

   The next day, the WSD and JRIF held a special symposium for a select audience of 200 people at the Hotel New Otani, Tokyo. The discussions centered on one of the greatest global issues today, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its far-reaching consequences.

  Yulia Timoshenko, Ukraine's former Prime Minister started her speech by thanking Japan and its people for the steadfast support and outpouring of generosity toward her country. She mentioned how Japan and South Korea's Invasion stand out in Asia, sternly noting, "It is a great puzzlement to us in Ukraine to see many Asian leaders averting their eyes from the fact that Russia invaded our country, and that many of them even embrace the propaganda...of the invader. Russia's war on a war of aggression, a war for territorial conquest aimed against all countries of the free world."

  Harper, Nemyria, the University of Tsukuba's Higashino, Dr.Handa and People's Deputy of Ukraine Serhiy Vlasenko took part in the symposium. 

     Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko thanks Japan on July 29 for supporting Ukraine. 

                                                              @TTJ TACHIBANA PUBLISHING

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