Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The 6th Global Opinion Leaders Summit (2)

   The first panel discussion of the first day focused on the role of North America on the global stage. The panelists included Stephen Harper, former prime minister of Canada from 2006 to 2015 as well as current chairman of the IDU, Peter Rae, former senator of the Australian state of Tasmania, Minoru Kiuchi, House of Representatives member and prof.Masasru Ito of Meiji University who represented Japan in the discussion.

  Harper remarked on three "acute geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges" the world is now facing: the end of "native globalism," the "pandemic party hangover" caused by governmental money expansion, and the management of large-scale debts and deficits. 


   Worldwide Support for Development Chairman and Japan Forum on International Relations Director Haruhisa Handa (left) welcomes panelists on stage at the sixth Global Opinion Leaders Summit on July 28 in Tokyo. 

                                                                  @TTJ TACHIBANA PUBLISHING

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