Saturday, November 22, 2014

Blazing Autumn People's Concert (5)

   On Oct.6, the "Blazing Autumn People's Concert," a free concert, was held at the New National Theatre, Tokyo.
  After a short intermission, the program resumed with cantata "Carmina Burana." Dr.Handa and the three guest singers were accompanied by the Alps choir and the Little Singers of Tokyo and were backed up by the orchestra for their performance. After the performance, all the singers received a standing ovation and the audience called for the encore.
  For the encore, they sang "Furusato," or hometown. It is a song written and composed for the music textbooks use in Japanese public schools in the early 1900s. "Furusato" was the best song to wrap up the program.

Dr.Handa (right) and three other musicians greet the audience. IFAC

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Oct.11, 2014)

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