Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Unconventional performances at the New National Theater (3)

On Oct.11, Dr.Haruhisa Handa, chairman of the International Foudation for Arts and Culture(IFAC) organized an unconventional drama performances at the New National Theatre in Tokyo.
 Of the four dramas performed, the one is a comedy about a man from Malaysia suffering amnesia, who eventually regained his memories by becoming a professional wrestler.As part of the short comedy, the wrestling is inserted as a subplot. It was a surprise Dr.Handa intended to prepare for the audience.No one in the audience could have imagined the professional wrestlers appeared in the ring which was set on the stage.

 Lots of people who saw the four plays might also be looking forward to seeing Dr.Handa's other original plays scheduled to be performed next year.

Performers in one of the plays performed at the New National Theatre, Tokyo
are introduced to the audience on Oct.11  IFAC

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Oct.18, 2014)

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