Sunday, December 27, 2015

WSD Global Human Rights Summit 2015 (2)

  According to David Cohen, director of the WSD Handa Center, explained to the audience that  Human trafficking is now found spreading in almost all countries in the world. Human traffickers captivate or kidnapp innocent men and women in a certain country, then they deliver them through other countries, and finally,  send them to the destination countries. However, at present, no reliable data of such illegal deeds have been made, so it is the problem, he continued.

 Then, the Walk Free Foundation, an Australian organization issuing "Annual Slavery Index" published an estimate of nearly 36 million people in modern-day slavery, and the International Labor Organization said in 2012 that about 21 million people worldwide are under forced labor. They also said that there is no accurate data of the victims, so they cannot say anything for certain.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Decemer.22, 2015)


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