Monday, December 28, 2015

WSD Global Human Rights Summit 2015 (3)

 The afternoon session was open to the public.  The panelists discussed the definition of human trafficking and the causes of the problem. 

 David Carden, a former U.S. ambassador to ASEAN, appealed to as much as 1,200 audience, saying  that the root cause of the problem is a lack of resources necessary to make a living, and that these resources include food, water, land electricity, health care and education. In most cases, the victims had been under unbearable living conditions so that they could not have a choice but to look for 'another life'.  However, they were deprived of their minimum requirements for living by those involved in the trafficking, and the latter are among the culprits in human trafficking., he added. 

 Surakiart Sathiranthai, former deputy  prime minister and former minister of foreign affairs of Thailand, agreed on Carden's view and said that victims of the illegal deeds are always "the most vulnerable, the youngest and women and girls, " and that human trafficking and poverty are intertwined, and just one government cannot be enough to disband the secret connections spread over numerous countries. He added that "It requires intergovernmental cooperation, but it is of course no easy task."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Decemer.22, 2015)


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