Monday, December 28, 2015

WSD Global Human Rights Summit 2015 (4)

  Ong Keng Yong, the chairman of the Human Rights resource Center and former secretary-general of ASEAN said that the governments and security  authorities of all ASEAN nations, inlcuding foreign affairs ministries, prefectural governrnment offices, police customs and coast guards, need to coordinate to monitor and control the global problem related to the human trafficking.

 Ian Thorpe, the Australian Olympic legend in swimming race who won five gold medals with three silvers and one bronze, has been publicly known as a human rights activist. He also joined the summmit. In the afternoon sessions, he proposed the four basic principles of fighting human trafficking or the "Four Ps." They are: the prevention of the illicit trade, the prosecution of those committing the crime, the protection of the victims, and the partnership between concerned authorities. He said these four elements are like the legs of the chair which cannot be stable even with just one leg missing.

  Shaymala Alagendra, a defense counsel at the International Criminal Court pointed out the other side of the problem. Some of the U.N. peacekeepers dispatched to African countries, Haiti and Cambodia, are reported to have committed crimes inlcuding rape, sexual abuse, and other illicit deeds leading to the violation of the human rights of the local people.   

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Decemer.22, 2015)


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