Tuesday, December 27, 2016

For lasting world peace (4)

 On November 9 and 10, the ISPS Handa World Blind Golf Championship was held at the same course. It was held for the first time in 10 years since the last tournament. 55 visually impaired players from 16 countries belonging to the IBGA participated in the tournament. 
 The top scorer for handicap-adjusted male was Toshio Karasawa, guided by Yoshiaki Sakai. Linda Port, American, guided by Fred Port, carded the top handicap-adjusted score. She also turned in the top raw score for women. 
 The top raw B1 scorer was Israeli Zohar Sharon, guided by Shimshon Levi, while B2 honors went to American Jeremy Poincenot, guided by Lionel Poincenot. The top B3 score was carded by British Paul Appleyard, guided by Neil Oxborough. 

Participants of the ISPS Handa World Blind Golf Championship
at Shinrinkoen Golf Club in Yorii,
Saitama Prefecture


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, November 18, 2016)

For lasting world peace (3)

 On November 8, the Blind Golf Japan Open Championship was held for the first time since 2013. It was organized by Japanese Blind Golf Association(JBGA), overseen by the International Blind Golf Association (IBGA), sponsored by the ISPS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Sports agency, Japan Sports Association for the Disabled, Japan Golf Association, Japan Golf Tour Organization and other organizations. 
 The participants of the tournament were 80 visually impaired golfers from 11 countries. They were classified into three levels of impairment, namely B1, B2 and B3, with B1 being complete blindness. During the game, they were accompanied by guides who advice them on the position of the ball, the distance to the hole, conditions of courses and greens. 
 Those who marked a good score were awarded. The Foreign Minister Prize went to the best pre-handicap scorer, B2 Canadian Derek Kibblewhite, guided by Chris Chambers, who carded an 82 raw score.  
 The Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Prize went to the best Stableford scorer, B1 Italian Stefano Palmieri, guided by Andrea Mencattini. 
 By category breakdown, the Stableford B1 champion was Palmieri, with B2 honors going to Yoshikazu Kitamura, guided by Tomoko Yokoyama, while the B3 winner was Sadanobu Asano, guided by Kumiko Asano.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, November 18, 2016)


Thursday, December 8, 2016

For lasting world peace (2)

 The ISPS had long striven to organize golf tournaments for visually impaired persons and promote the globalization of the Japanese golf industry. Since last June, it has become the naming partner of the PGA Tour of Australia, which marks another milestone in the history of the ISPS.
 In addition, all tournaments on the ISPS HANDA PGA Tour of Australia carry Official World Golf Ranking points. Such tournaments include events to be held not only in Australia, but also in New Zealand and the South Pacific. The events will cost around $9 million Australian dollars.
 This November, the ISPS held another golf tournament for visually impaired golfers at Shinrinkoen Golf Club, besides the World Blind Golf Championships. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, November 18, 2016)


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

For lasting world peace (1)

 Next year, ISPS Handa New Zealand Open will be held, sponsored by ISPS(The International Sports Promotion Society) itself.  This is in line with an open-ended partnership the ISPS entered into the PGA(Professional Golfers' Association) Tour of Australia this summer.
 After an awards ceremony for the ISPS Handa World Blind Golf Championships that was held at Shinrinkoen Golf Club in Yorii, Saitama Prefecture, Dr.Handa, ISPS Chairman, said, "By holding a unique tournament in which golfers compete, we can have a positive influence in not only sports, but also on the economies of the two countries...There will be 25 Japanese golfers(in the ISPS Handa New Zealand Open) as we extended a partnership contract with the Japan Golf Tour Organization."
 Then, Ian Kennedy, former New Zealand ambassador to Japan and the special representative of Japan for New Zealand, and Michael Glading, the ISPS Handa New Zealand Open tournament director, expressed their hopes of the two countries' bonds getting together through golf. 
 Kennedy said in fluent Japanese, "I hope it will lead to more active human interaction not only in golf, but also other things." And Glading added, "I believe Japan is a country that has similar values as New Zealand and golf creates bonds."  

From left: Ian Kennedy, former New Zealand ambassador to Japan
and the special representative of Japan for New Zealand,
Michael Glading, the ISPS Handa New Zealand Open tournament director,
and ISPS chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa 


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, November 18, 2016)

Monday, October 24, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (6)

 Finally, Charlie Mayhew thanked all the speakers and concluded the three-venue reception.
 But in Tokyo, the reception still continued. Dr.Handa, former Tennis player Ai Sugiama and former figure skater Miki Ando delivered speeches. 

Dr.Haruhisa Handa introduces Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge,
via video at the Park Hyatt, Tokyo.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (5)

 Prince William expressed appreciation to Tusk, the ISPS Handa Foundation and Tusk's other sponsors for the promotion of Time for Change.
 He said, "Today's event, (prior to) the CITES conference in Johannesburg, is timely and its global nature reflects the global scale of this challenge." He added that the number of elephants roaming Africa had sharply decreased for more than 30 years and had crashed to just 350,000. He also mentioned that Sept.22 is World Rhino Day and people is now struggling to correct the lies about the supposed benefits of using its horn as a traditional medicine.  Then he said, "We cannot undo the mistakes of the past. But we can and must take moral responsibility for the decisions we make today."

 (source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)

Monday, October 17, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (4)

 Then, Dr.Handa , chairman of the ISPS, expressed his commitment to wildlife conservation.
 He said, "The survival of the world's most iconic species -- such as the elephant, tiger and rhino -- is under threat. As soon as I learned of this reality, I immediately agreed to support Tusk's work. I'm delighted that the ISPS Handa is sponsoring this important global event, through our new partnership with Tusk."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)


Sunday, October 16, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (3)

 Then, John Scanlon delivered his speech from Johannesburg venue. He stressed the significance of the forthcoming CITES conference, called COP17. He said, "The world will turn its attention to what happens right here in South Africa over the course of the next two weeks as representatives of over 180 governments, with the active involvement of observers from across every region, debate and take decisions on critical issues affecting the future of some of the planet's most precious species of wild animals and plants." 
 In cop 17, necessary changes to the trade controls of close to 500 species of flora and fauna, including elephants, lions, pangolin, rhinos, rosewood, silky and thresher sharks and devil rays will be discussed.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)


Thursday, October 13, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (2)

 The three-venue conference started with Fearnley-Whittingstall's message from London venue named 'The View from the Shard.' Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State for the Environment of the UK joined together with him. Fearnley-Whittingstall said, "I'm delighted to have been invited by Tusk to kick off proceedings at this time-critical event, aptly titled 'Time for Change.'" He revealed that the illegal wildlife trade is a $20 million industry, which is exceeded only by the illegal trades in drugs, weapons and people, and that the illegal gains brought by such transactions stimulates violence, corruption and a dangerous international network of criminals. He made a video presentation to explain about ivory and rhino horn poaching and criticize China's ivory usage. Generally, ivory is used in chopsticks, billiard balls, piano keys, and China is one of the largest users in the world. In Asia, it is widely believed that rhino horn has medicinal properties, which exacerbates situations surrounding ivory poaching.   

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)


Monday, October 10, 2016

International three-venue conference to save endangered species (1)

 On September 22, a conference to start the movement aiming to conserve wildlife and calling for a ban on the trade in ivory and rhino horn, named 'Time for Change' was held at Part Hyatt Tokyo in Shinjuku, Tokyo. This conference was featured as part of a joint reception with London and Johannesburg. 
 The reception was joined by many world-famous, world-renowned persons, including HRH Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, the Royal Patron of Tusk(an international organization to initiate and fund conservation, community development and environmental education programs across Africa), Dr.Haruhisa Handa, Chairman of Internatonal Sports Promotion Society, John Scanlon, the secretary general of CITES(the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, an award winning writer and environmental campaigner, Charlie Mayhew, Trust Chief Executive of Tusk, and others. 
 Time for Change became a historical global event to raise awareness of a dire plight of Africa's wildlife. The event was held in three venues, London, Tokyo and Johannesburg simultaneously. It delivered powerful conservation messages and calls to action ahead of the CITES conference to be held in Johannesburg from September 24 to October 5, where the attention will be focused on tackling the burgeoning illegal wildlife trade. 

International Sports Promotion Society(ISPS) Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa, center,
poses with former tennis player Ai Sugihara, left and figure skater Miki Ando at the Park Hyatt Tokyo
in Shinjuku on Sept.22.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, Septemner 30, 2016)


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tokyo Global Concert 2016 (5)

 She finished her performance with "All the Things You are." and left the stage. But the audience's thunderous applause called for more, and she came back on stage once again for an encore with "O mio babbino caro" and "I Could Have Dreamed All Night" from the musical "My Fair lady."
 Then, even after Gheorghiu and the pianist left the stage again, the show continued. the tow appeared this time for the second encore, together with Dr.Handa for a collaboration performance.
 Dr.Handa appeared on the stage, walking toward Gheorghiu to praise her performance with his comically over-the-top body language. The two hugged each other, and sang together "Merry Widow Waltz." During a short interlude, he took her to dance, and the two waltzed around the center of the stage. 
 The concert ended with a duet of "Non ti scordar di me." They demonstrated the beautiful harmony and was given thunderous applause and shouts of "Bravo!" 

Pianist Alexandru Petrovici joins Dr.Handa nad Gheorghiu in greeting the audience.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 4, 2016)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Tokyo Global Concert 2016 (4)

  As her performance went on, every audience in the hall became mesmerized with her passionate singing and her charming gesture of fanning her face with both hands in the heat of the stage lights. She had established somewhat fastidious image among some opera fans, but her gesture was quite contrary to it. When she finished singing her fourth number "The Last Rose of Summer," the audience gave her a resounding standing ovation to take a short break while pianist Alexandru Petrovici performed a piano solo during the intermission. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 4, 2016)

Tokyo Global Concert 2016 (3)

 Gherorghiu formerly had scheduled to hold a concert in Japan in September 2010. But her performance was cancelled because her daughter had been ill. So she re-scheduled performance in the following year in Japan. However, her performance had to be cancelled again because of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, which struck Japan on March 11, 2011. It really disappointed opera fans in Japan once again. 
 Therefore, when she took the stage to sing the first song "Nel cor piu non mi sento" , dressed in a bluish-white gown, the audience erupt in a standing ovation.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 4, 2016)

Tokyo Global Concert 2016 (2)

 The concert started with a performance by Dr.Handa. At the beginning, he sang "Deh, vieni alla finestra" from "Don Giovanni", "Dicitencello vuie" and "Besame mucho". He sang 14 songs in total, including a song from the muvie, "Beauty and the Beast," and old Japnese folk songs and some nursery rhymes. 

 Then Gheorghiu appeared on the stage after 20-minutes intermission. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 4, 2016)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tokyo Global Concert 2016 (1)

 The International Foundation for Arts and Culture (IFAC) held Fifth Tokyo Global Concert at the New National Theatre, Tokyo, on July 27. 
 This year, Angela Gheorghiu, the "Diva of the World" was on the stage. She is regarded by the rest of the world as being among the most glamorous and gifted opera singers of today. The world-renowned Romanian captivated the audience with her clear, high tones that filled every corner of the venue. 

International Foundation for Arts and Culture Chairman
Dr.Haruhisa Handa (left) and soprano Angela Gheorghiu
prepare to bow to the audience
at the Fifth Tokyo Global Concert in Tokyo,
on July 27


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, August 4, 2016)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

International High School Arts Festival (5)

 IFAC Chairman Dr.Haruhsa Handa told the audience of the ceremony that the arts festival focuses on its openness to any high school students and the criteria of the awards are the 'untested potential' of youth.
 He hopes that Japanese high school students will have exchanges with high school students from around the world. In fact, every year IFAC organizes exchange entertainment programs. For example, the award-winner students both within and without Japan enjoyed a trip to Hakone, a lake resort near Tokyo.
  Also, as a founder of Misuzu Gakuen, a chain of cram school for high school students who intend to enter the university, Dr.Handa gave the students a significant advice, saying, "Listen to yourself instead of your parents or school counselors. They guide you to a safe path, which may not necessarily be the path you want to take. A goal is something you should set assuming you will change it sometimes. How can high school students know what they want for the future?.."

Award winners and judges pose at the awards ceremony


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July 12, 2016)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

International High School Arts Festival (4)

 Other prizes included awards from ministers of the government of Japan, governors in Japan, National High School Calligraphy Association, Japan Association of High School Arts and Crafts Education, and Mainichi Newspapers. Those ministers and governors are the tops of the official organization which also co-sponsored the arts festival with IFAC, the International Foundation for Arts and Culture.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July 12, 2016)


International High School Arts Festival (3)

 The prizes are supposed to be given for excellent arts created not only by Japanese students, but also by students from around the world. They are from Ireland, Britain, Israel, Indonesia, Egypt, Cambodia, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, China, Germany, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Russia and Benin.
 Among others, Alma Haas of Israeli Thelma Yellin High Chool won The Japan Times Award for her painting "Linens". It consists of a fabric triptych on different materials.
 She said, "I could never have imagined that I would have this chance to come to Japan and meet so many people from across the globe."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July 12, 2016)


International High School Arts Festival (2)

 The top award in this competition is Prime Minister Award.
 It went to Misaki Yamaguchi, a senior at Aichi Prefectural Gamagori High School, in the fine arts division. Chiho Kimijima, a senior at Omiya Koryo High school, Saitama Prefecture won the prize in the calligraphy division. 
 Yamaguchi said, "I'm truly grateful to have received such an amazing award. The fact that I have received this award after learning traditional Japanese painting in high school is truly an honor, and I hope to make use of what I learn from this experience for my future."
 Her painting is titled "Spring Awakening." It uses the image of a crowing rooster to depict the awakening of life in springtime. She uses the dazzling colors of spring flowers, and it created an effect by which the painting has a vibrant, energetic quality.
 Kimijima said, "I'm grateful to have received the prestigious Prime Minister Award this year. She wrote the script "Koshigire."She added that she enjoyed examining lots of classic scripts in calligraphy and savored the unique differences in each one."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July 12, 2016)

International High School Arts Festival (1)

 On July 3, the 17th International High School Arts Festival was held in Tokyo.
 This annual festival is one of the largest international art exhibitions for high school students. This year, students from Japan and 17 other countries entered 11,856 pieces, including fine art and calligraphy, 399 of which were exhibited at the National Art Center, Tokyo. 

 37 Japanese and one Israeli students received special awards at the awards ceremony in a ballroom of The Ritz Carlton.

International Foundation for Arts and Culture Chairman
Dr.Haruhisa Handa, center, poses with two Prime Minister Awards winners
at the 17th International High School Arts Festival
in Tokyo on July 3.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July 12, 2016)


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Handa Cup 2016 (4)

 At the end of the news conference, Mr.Thornburn congratulated Handa for receiving the New Zealand Order of Merit for his support of the New Zealand Women's Open in Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake that struck Christchurch.
 The Handa Global Cup was supported by the Japan Golf Tour and endorsed by the Japan Golf Association, the Golf Tournament Promotion Association of Japan Inc., Sankei shimbun Co., The Mainichi Newspapers, The Japan Times, Sankei Sports, Hokkoku Shimbun and others.

Dr.Haruhisa Handa (back row, third from left)
poses with golfers and officials at a news conference.


Handa Cup 2016 (3)

 On June 6, Dr.Handa also announced the annual ISPS Handa Global Cup tournament would be held at the Tokinodai Country Club in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, from June 23 to June 26.
 The tournament is the second event following last year's that was held at the Vintage Golf Club in Yamanashi Prefecture from June 25 to 28.
 The ISPS aims to promote three goals: the globalization of golf, charity and contribution to area economies.
 The ISPS Handa Global Cup invited worldly renowned players, including Charl Schwartzel, who won two events this year.
 On the charity front, the ISPS Handa Global Cup donates 5 percent of the prize money for social welfare purposes. This time, besides donation, local elementary and junior high schools sent their students to watch the tournament and visited the media center and other operations of the Handa Global Cup.
 The total amount of the prize were 100 million yen, with the winner taking home 20 million yen.


Handa Cup 2016 (2)

 The ISPS believes the partnership will further promote uniting the world with golf.
 Global golf tours are now moving to unite together to include the U.S. PGA tour offers the most prize money, and has the most events and draws the largest number of the best players in the world.
 The PGA of Australasia Tour is one of such movement.
 Dr.Handa said, "It's imperative for Japanese golfers to benefit from these international developments and for Japan to also be in a leading position in alliance with the major tours of the world."
 This is the first time the ISPS has supported the entire tour. But it has multiple partial partnerships.
 The ISPS has partnered with tournaments on the European Tour, the PGA Tour of Australasia, the PGA, the Japan Golf Tour, Ladies European Tour, Australasian Ladies Professional Gold, LPGA, European Seniors Tour and the Asian Tour.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Handa Cup 2016 (1)

 The International Sports Promotion Society (ISPS) has entered an open-ended partnership with the PGA Tour of Australasia. This is a 'groundbreaking' deal which makes Japanese golfers an opportunity to play globally with world-famous top players from around the world.
  The ISPS is well known for organizing golf tournaments for blind golfers and promoting the globalization of the Japanese golf industry. The ISPS will become the 'naming partner' of the PGA Tour of Australasia. 
  Mr.Brian Thornburn, CEO of the PGA of Australasia, said at a news conference, "The support of ISPS of the PGA Tour of Australasia is a significant development for the tour and its players."
  The ISPS Handa PGA Tour of Australasia is the elite tournament destination for profettional golfers in Australasia. It encompasses various events not only in Australia, New Zealand but also in Pacific, with a total budget of around $9 million Australian dollars. The tournaents carry Official World Golf Ranking points. 
  Almost every year, professional golfers compete for the title of Order of Merit Champion. Greg Norman, Peter Senior, Robert Allenby and Aron Baddeley are those golfers.

ISPS Chairman Dr. Haruhisa Handa (right)
and PGA of Australia CEO Brian Thornburn hold up the logo of the ISPS Handa PGA Tour of Australasia
at a news conference in Tokyo on June 6.



Monday, April 25, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (6)

  In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is to deal with infectious diseases occurring around the world.  Dr.Handa proposed Japan should form such a public organization.  Although he admitted significant roles played by WHO in conducting research and formulating guidelines, he criticized the U.N.health body for its slow response to the outbreak of the Ebola disease and its spreading during the last two years. He added that the upcoming G-7 summit scheduled this May at Mie Prefecture, Japan is a good opportunity for Japan to make a proposal to form a CDC-like national medical organization in each of the attending nations, as health risks are now concerns of national security of each country.

Panelists pose on stage before the discussions.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (5)

  The world has been facing the global hearth risks, including not only contagious diseases, but also chronic diseases found in aged societies.  Except Japan, Asian countries will more rapidly become aged societies in the near future. The existing health care systems in many Asian countries are not enough to cover all future patients. 

  Keizo Takemi, chairman of the Special Mission Committee on Global Health Strategy of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said, "The current health care systems (of those Asian countries) have limitations and it is indispensable to construct stronger systems." He added that since Japan introduced a nationwide care system in 1961 to cover all Japanese citizens, the country is able to share its know-how in establishing and operating such a system with other Asian countries.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (4)

  Simon Croft, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said that Several worldwide pharmaceutical firms such as Johnson & Johnson, Merck and GSK are currently developing vaccines for infectious and tropical diseases. Over the last 15 years, those companies collaborated with academic researchers and private or public organizations to significantly reduce the diagnosis of such diseases. But regardless of such efforts, the participants in the forum agreed that there is more to be done.

 B.T. Slingsby, the CEO of the Global Hearth Innovative Technology Fund, a Japan-based organization to promote global partnership for the development of drugs for emerging countries, said that the world is still suffering from the lack of effective vaccines for many infectious diseases because such products "are not profitable." In fact, infectious disease vaccines are not suitable for large-lot production, because such diseases are not as common as those such as cancer and diabetes. Profits of vaccine sales sometimes are not sufficient to 'offset' the large amount of development costs of the medicine.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (3)

 Dr.Piot explained: it was not until 2014 that the Ebola virus spread to Western African areas. It had been contained to Central Africa, and the patients had been found only in limited areas in Africa. However, since then, it hit countries that had just recovered from damaged economies due to decade-long civil wars. He further added that as global economies are intertwined with each other, and also as advanced public transportation makes it easier for people to travel across borders, "nothing remains local these days."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (2)

 The forum was organized  by Dr.Haruhisa Handa, founder and chairman of Worldwide Support for development(WSD), a Japanese nonprofit organization.

 First, Dr.Peter Piot, Director of Global Hearth at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine told the audience in a prerecorded video message, "The world isn't prepared for a major outbreak of infectious diseases..."

 Then, Masahiko Komura, a former foreign affairs minister, referred to the recent epidemic of the Zika virus in Brazil and said, "The international society is now called on to unite to tackle infectious diseases..."

 As of March 11, Japan has confirmed two patients in the country with Zika symptons, according to the Ministry of Hearth, Labor and Welfare. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)


Sunday, April 17, 2016

WSD Tokyo Summit on Global Hearth and International Policies (1)

 It has been recently said worldwide that the world should regard global hearth issues as global threats. These issues includes the implementation of universal hearth coverage and early detection of high-mortality infectious disease outbreaks.  On Marth 18, the Worldwide Support for Development held Tokyo Summit on such Global Health and International Policies in Tokyo, March 18. 

 The governmental officials of Japan said at the conference, "Japan should take the initiative in discussing the issues on a global stage, and the upcoming G-7 Ise-Shima summit, scheduled for May in Mie Prefecture, and take the best opportunity to make such proposals in the summit." 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 30, 2016)


World Support for Development Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa
addresses the audience at the Tokyo Summit on Global Health
and International Policies, on Mar.18


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Prestigious musicians were on a spring concert in Japan --- Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert (5)

 Then, Foster called on Dr.Handa. He sang "Fly me to the Moon," "Summer Time," "I Left my Heart in San Francisco" and "Danny Boy."

 Dr.Handa introduced Kenny "Babyface" Emmonds to the audience. He sang "When Can I See You Again," "I'll Make Love to You," "End of the Road," "Every Time I Close my Eyes" and "Change the World" by Eric Clapton.

 Next, Foster played John Lennon's "Imagine" with Melanie C, Babyface, Cetera Jenkins and Dr.Handa taking turns singing the lyrics. The six singers shook hands, and Foster suggested they should celebrate Dr.Handa's birthday. He said, "It's your birthday!" He and others sang "Happy Birthday" before Dr.Handa cut his cake with a sword.

 The concert was wrapped up by Dr.Handa's singing "O sole mio."


Katherine Jenkins, Kenny "Babyface" Emonds, David Foster, Dr.Haruhisa Handa,Peter Cetera and Melanie C (from left) are taking a bow after the concert.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Prestigious musicians were on a spring concert in Japan --- Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert (4)

 Next, Foster introduced Peter Cetera  to the audience.
 Cetera said, "This is my second time to perform with Dr.Handa. The first time was at Budokan."
 He sang his superhits including "Glory of Love," "You're the Inspiration," "If You Leave Me Now" and "Hard to Say I'm Sorry."

 Foster wrote "Hard to say I'm Sorry". Foster and Cetera explained that the song was part of the soundtrack of the 1982 movie "Summer Lovers."It was played at the end of the movie where the sound of the motorcycle dominated. Foster said,"Maybe the sound of the motorcycle was more important than the song." 

 He then brought Katherine Jenkns, a famous national singer in Britain onto the stage. She sang "World in Union," "Time to Say Goodbye" and others.

 Afterwards, Foster himself sand the songs he wrote, including "Look What You've Done to Me" and All-4-One's "I Swear."  He also had Rieco sing Whitney Huston's "I Have Nothing" on the stage.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Prestigious musicians were on a spring concert in Japan --- Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert (3)

 Foster told the audience that Dr.Handa's performence was "spectacular." 

 Then, Foster introduced Melanie C. She worked as a judge with him on the talent show "Asia's Got Talent."

 Melanie C sang, accompanied by Foster on the piano, "I Turn to You," "2 Become 1," "Wannabe" and Stevie Wonder's "I Wish".
 Nest, Foster asked the audience if there was a great singer among them. A woman named Rieco volunteered and he brought her on stage to sing "Amazing Grace."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Prestigious musicians were on a spring concert in Japan --- Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert (2)

 In the opening, Dr.Handa appeared in silver kimono and greeted the audience. He explained that he prepared simultaneous interpretation devices for 2000 audience so that David Foster could enjoy interacting with them.

 He sang "Soshunfu"(Ode to early morning), "Mazinger Z," "Hyokkori Hyotanjima"(Hyokkori gourd-shaped island), "Autumn Leaves,","Moon RIver," "Tennessee Waltz," "Mona Lisa" and "Some Enchanted Evening."

 After he finished his performance, four blue lights illuminated the audience when David Foster took the stage and sat on a piano stool.

 Foster said, "God evening, Tokyo! I'm so happy to be here. My job is to make you happy."

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)


Prestigious musicians were on a spring concert in Japan --- Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert (1)

 On March 17, The Tokyo Art Foundation (TAF) held "Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert" at Maihama Amphitheater, inside Tokyo Disney Resort in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture.

 In the concert, TAF Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa who also goes by Toshu Fukami, former Chicago vocalist Peter Cetera, renowned music composer as well as famous pianist David Foster, Melanie C., famous British singer Katherine Jenkins and others performed music and fascinated the audience at the concert.

 This concert was supported by Air Asia, The japan Times and the Handa Foundation.    

Tokyo art Foundation Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa
performes his music , accompanied by prestigious composer David Foster,
at the "Toshu Fukami and Friends Concert"
in Tokyo on March 17.


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, March 29, 2016)