Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Exploring A New Realm Of Performance: Not A Solo, Not A Drama, Not A Musical (1)

 TAF, the Tokyo Art Foundation,  featured a new realm of stage performance produced and directed by Dr.Haruhisa Handa, at the National Theater, Tokyo, on July 5. 
 The main attractions in a series of performance was four plays. Between and during the plays, Dr.Handa  entertained the audience by his singing and unique comic relief.
 However, this is not a drama of a classical form like Shakespeare's. 
 This is not a musical of a conventional style, neither. 
 His act between and during the plays was not like one often seen in an interlude in a traditional play. Normally, the interlude is supposed to be a minor act compared to the main drama parts.  However, as he explained, the role between the plays and his own interludes are the other way round...!
 He said , "As we perform this program every year, we aren't sure which part is the main feature of the program..." 
 This is a realization of his effort into always exploring a new realm of art.   
 It was not a solo concert.
 It was not a drama.
 It was not a musical.
 But it was a new realm of artistic performance. 
That's why the performance was titled, "Funnier-Than-a-Musical Fusical & Singing Pantomime Singomime!"

Tokyo Art Foundation (TAF) Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa
sings popular Showa Era songs in an interlude
during the sixth annual performance of his theatrical troupe,
at the New National Theater, Tokyo


(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July.15, 2015)

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