Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Global Opinion Summit (5)

 The afternoon session featured two speeches, panel discussions and another Q&A session.
 State Minister of Foreign Affairs Minoru Kiuchi made remarks on Japan's ODA.
 Since 1954, Japan has promoted ODA project in order to contribute to the world. Japan became the largest ODA donor in the 1990s, but is now fifth in the world. He explained thee objectives of Japan's ODA: Helping emerging countries develop on their own, reducing wealth gaps within those countries and securing the safety of the people living there.
 Former ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan praised Japan for its efforts in helping developing countries.

 In the panel discussion, Chungong mentioned Japan's efforts to its assistance. Japanese government stipulates that recipient countries of Japan's yen loans be democratic, have stable political structures and be able to pay back loans. However, there are 18 countries which do not meet these criteria.
 Dr.Handa said that Japan's challenge is how to support those countries and proposed that Japan should assist in peace building as well as  infrastructure building.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, June.6, 2015)

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