Saturday, July 4, 2015

Tokyo Global Concert (4)

 The second part was a stage for Carreras, the main guest of the concert.
 He sang, "Era de maggio", "Piscatore e Pusillico," "T'estimo," "Vurria" and "Me so  'MBriacato 'o Sole." and other famous opera numbers.
  His voice was powerful with his emotion delicately expressed, and fascinated the whole audience. 
 During the concert, He requested the air conditioning to be turned off, but the excitement of the audience contributed to rising the heat in the hall more than the lack of the air conditioning.
 For the encore, Dr.Handa, Coad and Carreras sang together the poplular Japanese song "Kawa no Nagare no Yoni." Their voice together made an exquisite harmony so that the audience give cheers and a standing ovation.
 Besides, Carreras sang "Core 'Ngrato" and "Vierno" during the encore.

From left, Dr.Haruhisa Handa, the chairman of IFAC,
Jose Carreras
and Conal Coad, a bass
preparing to take a bow.



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