Saturday, July 4, 2015

Tokyo Global Concert (3)

 The concert also featured IFAC Chairman Dr.Haruhisa Handa, a baritone, and Conal Coad, a bass from New Zealand. 
 The first part of the concert began with Dr.Handa and Coad singing solo accompanied on piano by Yuhei Kimura and Phoebe Briggs. The songs not only included famous arias such as "Li Dissoluto Punto" from "Don Giovanni" and "Dio di Giuda!" from "Nabuccho," but also classics, including "I Got Plenty O'Nuttin," "First Love" and "An Evening Primrose." The first part ended with "Furusato" sang by both Dr.Handa and Coad, then "danny Boy" by Dr.Handa.

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, June.23, 2015)

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