Friday, July 10, 2015

The 1st ISPS Handa Global Cup (2)

  At the awards ceremony on the final day, Dr.Handa explained the reason why ISPS, which sponsored more than 60 sporting events in and out of Japan, decided to hold the ISPS Handa Global Cup in Japan, saying, "Golf is an international sport, but the Japanese golf industry is becoming isolated." He said  he would continue to plan on improving the image of Japanese golf on the global stage. He also expressed his high hope that he would like to hold the tournament again and reach as much as 600 million households around the world by expanding the broadcast.
   The final day of the tournament was much finer than the first, second and third days. Dr.Handa was very happy with the weather, saying, "The weather was great today and we could show the world the beautiful scenery of Mt.Fuji and the Southern Alps."
   In fact, the fine weather of the final day, together with the international exposure of the tournament, led to much increase in the number of the gllary to 2,511. 

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July.8, 2015)


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