Thursday, July 16, 2015

Exploring A New Realm Of Performance: Not A Solo, Not A Drama, Not A Musical (3)

 The four plays were written by Dr.Handa under the pen name of Totoami: "Antarctica,""Minshuku"(Inn), "Sakariba"(Entertainment District) and "Battani Dakarete"(Hugged by a Grasshopper). 
 The four plays were filled with mixture of comedy, puns, black humor, serious stories which were devised within an unprecedented development of the acts, all contributing to a much unique dramatization.  
 The audience entertained a 'weird' love story about a girl and a penguin in Antarctica, where the girl lands on the icy continent alone to meet penguins surrounding a brazier, and a person living with a 2-meter-high grasshopper who is able to 'walk on two legs'.  
 They might have wondered why the girl meets penguins, why the grasshopper walks on two legs... However, these questions are all meaningless in the case of Dr.Handa's dramas. There is no use of thinking seriously about hows any whys when seeing his drama. What he intends to let the audience enjoy is not a reasonably conventional series of drama development, but a funniness which can be found in  a mixture of fantasy, eccentricity, and whim.     

(source: THE JAPAN TIMES, July.15, 2015)

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